Res 0730-2025 Conduct a thorough study on the RAD/PACT program to assess the effects of conversion on residents and the program’s impacts on tenant rights, security, and community well-being.
Res 0731-2025 Implement a more robust resident engagement and voting process at each NYCHA development considering RAD/PACT conversion.
Res 0720-2025 The New York City Arts Space Act (A.50/S.1077).
Res 0792-2025 Declaring March 25 as Greek Cultural Appreciation and Independence Day annually. Provision of services to people living with HIV and AIDS.
Res 0175-2024 Social Services Law (S.442/A.3355).
Resolution East Harlem 125th Street Business Improvement District, Manhattan
Union Street Houses, Brooklyn, Community District No. 9, Council Districts No. 35.
Morningside Heights II, Manhattan, Community District No. 7, Council Districts No. 7. Establishing a sleep apnea screening pilot program and public education and outreach campaign.
Res 0721-2025 Eliminate deductibles, copayment, coinsurance, or any other cost-sharing requirements for asthma inhalers (S.1804/A.128).
Res 0722-2025 Supporting Safety Net Hospitals Act (H.R. 2665) Studying sidewalk shed designs and improving the aesthetics of existing sidewalk sheds. Removing construction-related equipment. Exterior wall inspection requirements. Required lighting under sidewalk sheds. Penalties for failing to complete façade repairs in a timely manner.
Res 0119-2024 Denying property owners from filing eviction proceedings for tenants who reside in buildings with substantial pending housing maintenance code violations.
Res 0246-2024 Requiring unlawful eviction cases to be heard within five days.
Res 0524-2024 Legal representation in certain mortgage foreclosure actions (S.126).
Res 0414-2024 Requiring at least one member of the State Board of Parole be a formerly incarcerated person (S.3746).
Res 0415-2024 Remove the lifetime ban on jury duty for convicted felons and postpone jury service for any person currently incarcerated for a felony (S.2240/A.5414).
Res 0417-2024 Return of fines, restitution and reparation payments where there was an unjust conviction, in a timely manner(A.4246).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250014 ZMK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed Use Plan, Brooklyn (N 250015 ZRK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250020 PQK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250021 PPK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250022 PPK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250023 PPK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250016 HAK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250019 PQK).
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250017 HAK)
Zoning, Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan, Brooklyn (C 250018 PQK).
Zoning, 102-51 Queens Boulevard Rezoning, Queens ( C 240250 ZMQ).
Zoning, 102-51 Queens Boulevard, Queens (N 240251 ZRQ).
Resolution Lauren Stossel, New York City Board of Corrections
Resolution Patricia Marthone, New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Oversight - Residential Displacement after Emergencies. Creation of an office of residential displacement remediation and establishing a residential displacement remediation online portal. Timeframe to correct department of buildings violations, requiring additional documentation when an owner seeks to demolish a building, and expanding the certification of no harassment program. Creation of a residential fire emergency response guide. Study and report on the feasibility of a low-cost and city-sponsored renter’s insurance program.
Res 0307-2024 Limits the duration of time for which a landlord can collect payment from loss of rents insurance coverage without conducting meaningful repairs to an uninhabitable unit leased by a tenant to three months.
Oversight - Hunger and Food Insecurity in New York City. Establishing a universal benefits application for city benefits and codifying Access NYC, and to repeal section 3-119.3 of the administrative code of the city of New York, relating to a study on notification of public assistance eligibility. Automatic enrollment of eligible individuals in city-created benefit programs Requiring the department of social services to provide a receipt for applications for benefits or services. Creation of an office of residential displacement remediation and establishing a residential displacement remediation online portal. Timeframe to correct department of buildings violations, requiring additional documentation when an owner seeks to demolish a building, and expanding the certification of no harassment program. Study and report on the feasibility of a low-cost and city-sponsored renter’s insurance program.
Res 0307-2024 Limits the duration of time for which a landlord can collect payment from loss of rents insurance coverage without conducting meaningful repairs to an uninhabitable unit leased by a tenant to three months.
Oversight - Residential Displacement after Emergencies. Creation of a residential fire emergency response guide.
Oversight - Ensuring Equity and Access in the Arts. Requiring the department of education to report on school librarians and library access in New York city public schools.
Oversight - Ensuring Equity and Access in the Arts. Requiring the department of education to report on school librarians and library access in New York city public schools.
Oversight – New York City’s Food Infrastructure and the Cost and Quality of Produce in NYC.
Oversight – New York City’s Food Infrastructure and the Cost and Quality of Produce in NYC.
Oversight – Combating Immigration Services Fraud. Outreach about fraudulent schemes committed by providers of immigration assistance services. Increasing penalties for violations of requirements that apply to immigration assistance services.
Oversight – Combating Immigration Services Fraud. Outreach about fraudulent schemes committed by providers of immigration assistance services. Increasing penalties for violations of requirements that apply to immigration assistance services.
Oversight - Adult Protective Services Referrals.
Res 0016-2024 Increase personal needs allowance amounts for individuals who are deemed eligible (S.7786/A.8396).
Oversight - Parking Infrastructure and DOT. Creation of curbside overnight truck parking sections in Industrial Business Zones. Automatic waiver of certain additional penalties for a parking violation if a vehicle owner responds to a notice of violation between forty-five and ninety days of its issuance. Prohibiting standing or parking a vehicle within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.
Oversight - Evaluating the Current State of Health Care Access for Patients with Disabilities.
Oversight - Evaluating the Current State of Health Care Access for Patients with Disabilities.
Oversight - Dining Out NYC program.
Oversight - Commercial Waste Zones. Establishing a tracking system concerning the disposal of yellow and brown grease
Oversight - Dining Out NYC program.
Oversight - Improving Recreational Access to Athletic Fields and Playgrounds. Annual plan to expand access to school playgrounds. Increasing the number of drinking fountains adjacent to public parks and greenstreets. Plan to identify and facilitate the use of indoor facilities for basketball games.
Oversight - Implementing Recommendations from the City Council’s Report Card Initiative.