Recent Legislation Changes

The following legislation changes happened in the past 30 days

Oct 16 2024 Hearing Held by Committee
Periodic inspections of gas piping systems, ordinary plumbing work, reestablishing the plumbing and fire suppression piping contractor license board, piping systems, emergency work, fire suppression piping work, and seizure.
by with 40 sponsors, Committee on Housing and Buildings Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the inspection of steam radiators in multiple dwellings.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Housing and Buildings

Oct 12 2024 City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Tenant education and outreach on residential vacate orders due to damage caused by fires.
by with 19 sponsors, Committee on Housing and Buildings City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Strengthening Fire Safety Bill Package - Notification of council members of certain fires occurring within their district.
by with 19 sponsors, Committee on Fire and Emergency Management City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
The creation of a truth, healing, and reconciliation process.
by with 25 sponsors, Committee on Civil and Human Rights City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Studying the impacts of slavery and its legacies in New York city and recommending potential reparative measures for resulting harms.
by with 28 sponsors, Committee on Civil and Human Rights City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Establishing a New York city freedom trail task force.
by with 25 sponsors, Committee on Civil and Human Rights City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Improvement and maintenance of medians through the planting of vegetation or use in stormwater management.
by with 16 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Requiring the installation and maintenance of an informational sign at the intersection of Wall and Pearl Streets in Manhattan to mark the site of New York’s first slave market.
by with 19 sponsors, Committee on Civil and Human Rights City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Cypress Hills Fulton Business Improvement District (BID).
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Finance City Charter Rule Adopted Enacted
Queens Plaza/Court Square Business Improvement District (BID).
by with 3 sponsors, Committee on Finance

Oct 10 2024 Approved by Council
Requiring an agency to provide an explanation of a denial of approval of a subcontractor.
by with 13 sponsors, Committee on Contracts Approved by Council
Establishing guidelines for insurance requirements for food procurement vendors.
by with 12 sponsors, Committee on Contracts Approved by Council
Requiring the procurement policy board to promulgate rules relating to protests of procurement actions.
by with 15 sponsors, Committee on Contracts Approved by Council
Information about the maternal mortality and morbidity review committee.
by with 15 sponsors, Committee on Women and Gender Equity Approved by Council
Written lactation room accommodation policies.
by with 12 sponsors, Committee on Women and Gender Equity Approved by Council
Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to develop and distribute parenting resource materials to parents and guardians of newborn children.
by with 21 sponsors, Committee on Women and Gender Equity Approved by Council
Display of artwork on temporary protective structures on construction sites.
by with 10 sponsors, Committee on Housing and Buildings Introduced by Council
Expanding reporting on domestic violence shelter exits.
by with 2 sponsors, Committee on General Welfare Introduced by Council
Reporting on demand for domestic violence emergency and tier II shelters.
by with 2 sponsors, Committee on General Welfare Introduced by Council
Press access in city hall.
by , Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation Introduced by Council
Requiring bird friendly materials in certain existing buildings.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Housing and Buildings Introduced by Council
Limited hoist machine operator license requirements for rotating telehandlers.
by , Committee on Housing and Buildings Introduced by Council
Requiring borough presidents to provide trainings on legislative processes and rules of parliamentary procedure to local entities.
by with 2 sponsors, Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation Introduced by Council
Requiring the inclusion of businesses owned by persons of Middle Eastern and North African descent in future disparity studies.
by with 14 sponsors, Committee on Contracts Introduced by Council
Provision of luggage to foster care youth.
by with 7 sponsors, Committee on Children and Youth Introduced by Council
Prohibiting the sale of certain gift cards that lack chip-and-PIN technology.
by , Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection Introduced by Council
Police department to timely retrieve stored sexual offense evidence collection kits.
by , Committee on Public Safety Introduced by Council
Requiring the integration of mental health professionals into public service answering points.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Public Safety Introduced by Council
Requiring the department of consumer and worker protection to confirm receipt of complaints related to fair work practices and to notify the person or entity under investigation of the receipt of the complaint.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection Introduced by Council
Study and report on fees and costs required to start and maintain a small business.
by with 2 sponsors, Committee on Small Business Introduced by Council
Collection and sale of organic waste and compost by community composters.
by , Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Introduced by Council
Requiring the department of transportation to install e-bicycle battery stations.
by with 3 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Introduced by Council
Watch list of commercial landlords determined to have knowingly leased premises to, or otherwise allowed the use of premises by, unlicensed sellers of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco products, or illicit cannabis.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Public Safety Introduced by Council
Notifying interested parties of the recording of certain real estate instruments.
by with 10 sponsors, Committee on Finance Introduced by Council
Study on a program to make bridge loans available to awardees of capital funding from the city.
by with 10 sponsors, Committee on Finance

Oct 09 2024 Hearing Held by Committee
Licensing massage therapy businesses.
by with 5 sponsors, Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection Hearing Held by Committee
Licensing Hotels
by with 42 sponsors, Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection

Sep 30 2024 Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the department of education to report on school bus transportation services employees.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Education Hearing Held by Committee
Creation of a centralized mobile application for accessing city services
by with 5 sponsors, Committee on Technology Hearing Held by Committee
Third party transfer program, and to repeal sections 11-425, 11-426, and 11-427 of such code, relating to agreements for payment of delinquent taxes and charges in installments.
by with 7 sponsors, Committee on Housing and Buildings

Sep 27 2024 Hearing Held by Committee
Suspension of alternate side parking regulations on Losar.
by with 26 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Held by Committee
The terms “inmate,” “prisoner,” and “incarcerated individual” and other similar terminology as used therein.
by with 8 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Extending the minimum duration of and updating other requirements pertaining to the task force created to address policies related to the treatment and housing of transgender, gender nonconforming, non-binary, and intersex individuals in the custody of th
by with 7 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring correction officers to carry and administer opioid antagonists while on duty and to receive related training.
by with 9 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Wrongful deactivation of high-volume for-hire vehicle drivers.
by with 12 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Held by Committee
Taxicab driver pay for electronically dispatched taxicab trips.
by with 9 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Held by Committee
Establishing maximum rates for the leasing, rental, lease-to-own and conditional purchase of for-hire vehicles.
by with 2 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Held by Committee
Notifying emergency contacts and attorney of record when an individual in custody attempts suicide, is hospitalized, or is seriously injured.
by with 17 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Establishing a program for child visitors of department of correction facilities.
by with 14 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Procedures following the death of an individual in custody of the department of correction and a report on compassionate release.
by with 20 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Housing decisions for transgender, gender nonconforming, non-binary and intersex individuals.
by with 16 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the department of correction to report on physical violence against and sexual harassment of correctional staff and ensure that staff have access to mental health treatment resources.
by with 17 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Allowing commuter vans to accept hails from prospective passengers in the street
by with 5 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Held by Committee
Increasing the number of violations required to revoke authorization to operate a commuter van service.
by , Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Held by Committee
Suspension of alternate side parking regulations on Patriot Day.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the DOC to establish, operate and maintain an online scheduling system to facilitate visits to incarcerated individuals.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Quarterly reporting regarding the visitation of incarcerated individuals and requiring the DOC to record interactions in which an individual is informed about a visitor and refuses to attend the visit.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring that people in the custody and staff of the DOC have access to gender-affirming items and medical devices.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the DOC to provide reports regarding people in custody who have been ordered to undergo a mental health examination.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Criminal Justice Hearing Held by Committee
Department of correction report on sexual abuse.
by , Committee on Criminal Justice

Sep 26 2024 Approved by Council
Pedestrian crossing guidelines and right of way.
by with 9 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Approved by Council
Installation of solar photovoltaic systems on city-owned property.
by with 49 sponsors, Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency and Waterfronts Approved by Council
Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to create and distribute materials identifying mental health resources available to individuals who have experienced pregnancy loss.
by with 27 sponsors, Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction Approved by Council
Establish a rat contraceptive pilot program.
by with 43 sponsors, Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Approved by Council
Outreach and education regarding parental mental health resources.
by with 20 sponsors, Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction Approved by Council
Implementing a pilot program to establish postpartum support groups.
by with 19 sponsors, Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction Introduced by Council
Establishing a pilot program to provide oral appliances to individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Health Introduced by Council
Establishing a sleep apnea screening pilot program and public education and outreach campaign.
by with 5 sponsors, Committee on Health Introduced by Council
Conducting a complaint based siren sound study in the city.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency and Waterfronts Introduced by Council
Requiring sellers of petroleum products for use in motor vehicles or motor boats to disclose preauthorization holds.
by with 2 sponsors, Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection Introduced by Council
Limiting the amount of liability coverage that the taxi and limousine commission may require for vehicles it licenses.
by with 9 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Introduced by Council
Identification of formerly enslaved African American burial sites.
by with 20 sponsors, Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations Introduced by Council
LGBTQIA+ foster youth experience surveys.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Children and Youth Introduced by Council
Creating older adult information and service centers.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Aging Introduced by Council
10-year plan to support aging in place.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Aging Introduced by Council
Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of family and relationship structure in employment, housing, and public accommodations.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Civil and Human Rights Introduced by Council
Training for medical personnel in public schools and reporting on participation in such training.
by with 5 sponsors, Committee on Health Introduced by Council
Student journalism programming at the city’s high schools.
by with 9 sponsors, Committee on Education Introduced by Council
Determining the feasibility of creating of a junior lifeguard corps.
by with 6 sponsors, Committee on Parks and Recreation Introduced by Council
Distribution of materials on water safety in schools.
by with 5 sponsors, Committee on Parks and Recreation Introduced by Council
The sale of tianeptine.
by with 3 sponsors, Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection Introduced by Council
Clarifying the requirement that heads of mayoral agencies advise and assist elected officials and bodies of elected officials in regard to matters under the jurisdiction of their agencies.
by with 40 sponsors, Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation Introduced by Council
Requiring transparency concerning promotional opportunities.
by with 2 sponsors, Committee on Civil and Human Rights Introduced by Council
Terms of employment for district managers.
by , Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation Introduced by Council
Creation of a task force to review the impacts of artificial intelligence on civil service and civil service employees.
by with 4 sponsors, Committee on Civil Service and Labor Introduced by Council
Assistance program for homeowners experiencing groundwater flooding in southeast Queens, and to repeal such amendments upon the expiration thereof.
by with 3 sponsors, Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency and Waterfronts Introduced by Council
Establishing rules of decorum for posting on official social media accounts.
by with 8 sponsors, Committee on Technology Introduced by Council ( Re-introduction of )
Reducing the maximum time commercial vehicles may park
by with 12 sponsors, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

Sep 25 2024 Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the commissioner of sanitation to study the feasibility and potential environmental effects of a recycling mandate for household textiles.
by with 7 sponsors, Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the department of sanitation to develop a plan for ensuring proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices.
by with 11 sponsors, Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Hearing Held by Committee
A study of single-use plastics
by with 20 sponsors, Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Hearing Held by Committee
Updated waste characterization studies
by with 13 sponsors, Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Hearing Held by Committee
Records of the chief medical examiner that relate to work-related fatal injuries in the workplace, and to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to reporting on workplace fatalities.
by with 34 sponsors, Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection

Sep 24 2024 Hearing Held by Committee
Enhanced reporting on the child welfare system.
by with 11 sponsors, Committee on Children and Youth Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring the administration for children’s services to report annually on the number of and placement of LGBTQ+ foster youth.
by with 17 sponsors, Committee on Children and Youth Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring an audit and report on foster care placement notices.
by with 12 sponsors, Committee on Children and Youth Hearing Held by Committee
Establishing an office of translation and interpretation within the office of immigrant affairs.
by with 19 sponsors, Committee on Immigration Hearing Held by Committee
Interactive map for the posting of information regarding swimming pools under the jurisdiction of the department of parks and recreation.
by with 23 sponsors, Committee on Parks and Recreation

Sep 23 2024 Hearing Held by Committee
Reimbursing small nonpublic schools for the cost of security guard services.
by with 21 sponsors, Committee on Public Safety Hearing Held by Committee
Reporting and publication of mental health emergency response data.
by with 8 sponsors, Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction Hearing Held by Committee
Requiring a study on naturally occurring retirement communities and the development of a plan to support aging in place.
by with 14 sponsors, Committee on Aging Hearing Held by Committee
Provision of information regarding employment discrimination and older adult workforce programs.
by with 9 sponsors, Committee on Aging