Justin L. Brannan

Jan 2018 - Dec 2025
District 47 (Brooklyn)


Brooklyn Delegation of the New York City Council
Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency and Waterfronts
Committee on Finance (chair)
Committee on Public Housing
Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections
Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings and Dispositions
Subcommittee on Senior Centers and Food Insecurity

Legislation (2024-2025 Session)

Council member Justin L. Brannan has introduced 68 bills in the current legislative session.

49 bills are in Committee , 9 bills are Laid Over in Committee , 10 bills are Enacted

intro.nyc/0012-2024 Optional donations for spaying and neutering shelter animals on tax forms, applications and bills.
with 5 sponsors
intro.nyc/0013-2024 Reporting on contract awards made from discretionary funds allocated by a council member.
with 8 sponsors
intro.nyc/0014-2024 Requiring monthly reports on scheduled construction work on capital projects.
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0015-2024 Establishment of a charitable gifts reserve fund.
intro.nyc/0016-2024 Adjudication of liability imposed upon owners pursuant to section 1180-e of the vehicle and traffic law.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0017-2024 Enacted Electric vehicle supply equipment in open parking lots and parking garages.
with 14 sponsors
intro.nyc/0018-2024 Pass through contracts.
intro.nyc/0129-2024 Enacted Establishing a pilot program to construct solar canopies in certain parking lots.
with 10 sponsors
intro.nyc/0494-2024 Prohibiting late fees for self-storage units.
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0495-2024 Limiting increases of occupancy fees for self-storage units and restricting the reasons for termination of an occupancy agreement.
with 9 sponsors
intro.nyc/0505-2024 Requiring businesses with 10 or more employees to appoint COVID-19 response coordinators, and providing for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0506-2024 Requiring the office of nightlife to post information on its website for nightlife establishments, including resources and trainings about harassment among patrons.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0507-2024 Requiring nightlife establishments to post signage informing patrons about harassment and to train employees about harassment among patrons.
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/0508-2024 Reporting of promptness of agency payments to contractors.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0509-2024 Expediting the inter-agency oversight review process of certain unregistered contracts.
intro.nyc/0510-2024 The provision of bridge loans to contractors.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0511-2024 Requiring the department of investigation to notify the council when it requests an integrity monitor for existing contracts.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0512-2024 Review of patterns of contractual spending by the city agencies with not-for-profit organizations.
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0513-2024 City contracts with not-for-profit organizations in the amount of $250,000 or more.
intro.nyc/0514-2024 Interest to be paid on late contract payments to non-profit contractors.
with 11 sponsors
intro.nyc/0515-2024 Enacted Requiring the department of education to report information about employees of school bus transportation vendors.
with 12 sponsors
intro.nyc/0516-2024 Creation of a revolving loan fund to support students with disabilities.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0517-2024 The distribution of special education services and individualized education program resource information.
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/0518-2024 Identifying all vacant and underutilized municipally-owned sites that would be suitable for the development of renewable energy and assessing the renewable-energy generation potential and feasibility of such sites.
with 10 sponsors
intro.nyc/0519-2024 Establishing a temporary task force to study and report on the maximum population that may be served by fire and emergency response services.
intro.nyc/0520-2024 Requiring the commissioner of emergency management to report on the city’s preparedness and response to citywide public health emergencies.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0521-2024 The establishment of a department of emergency medical services.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0522-2024 Establishment of a department of coastal protection.
with 5 sponsors
intro.nyc/0523-2024 Procedures to be adopted by the 311 call center for responding to certain repeat anonymous complaints against the same property.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0524-2024 Requiring the placement of temporary priority regulatory signs at intersections within one hour of a report of an inoperable traffic control signal.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0525-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to make automated external defibrillators available to primary, intermediate and high schools.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0526-2024 Dept of health and mental hygiene to provide license and permit expiration notifications electronically.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0527-2024 Promotion of health and safety at nail salons.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0528-2024 The waiver of covenants prohibiting pets.
intro.nyc/0529-2024 Installation of protective devices for seniors and persons with a disability who reside in multiple dwellings, and the provision of a tax abatement for certain related installations.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0530-2024 The creation of a citywide wildlife management plan.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0531-2024 Requiring an office or agency designated by the mayor to provide outreach and education to public housing tenants regarding smoking cessation.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0532-2024 Enacted Reimbursing small nonpublic schools for the cost of security guard services.
with 33 sponsors
intro.nyc/0533-2024 Establishing a program to provide public notification of school emergencies.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0534-2024 Increasing penalties on chain businesses for failure to remove snow, ice and dirt from sidewalks.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0535-2024 Exempting or partially exempting seniors and certain persons with disabilities from penalties for failing to remove snow or ice from sidewalks, crosswalks, curbs and other locations.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0536-2024 Requiring certain retail food stores to post notices on the food donation web portal concerning the availability of excess food, and arranging for the transportation and retrieval of such food.
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/0537-2024 Requiring a clause in commercial leases that obligates the parties to engage in good faith negotiations during certain states of emergency.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0538-2024 Creation of a retail resurgence task force.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0539-2024 Prohibition on sharing location data with third parties.
with 17 sponsors
intro.nyc/0540-2024 Assessment of a cloud-first policy for city technology systems.
with 8 sponsors
intro.nyc/0541-2024 Banning moving billboards.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0542-2024 Requiring that traffic study determinations be issued no later than 60 days from the date a traffic control device is requested by a city council member or community board.
with 5 sponsors
intro.nyc/0543-2024 Restricting the use of bus lanes by sight-seeing buses.
with 2 sponsors
intro.nyc/0544-2024 Distance between parking signs.
intro.nyc/0545-2024 Increasing maximum charges for towing and storage of motor vehicles.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0546-2024 Requiring the department of education to create a plan for a pilot after school SHSAT preparation program.
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0547-2024 Establishing an office of climate resiliency.
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0548-2024 Carbon accounting
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0549-2024 Increasing transparency around manhole fires and explosions.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0550-2024 Voter assistance advisory committee providing interpreters and materials in Arabic.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0551-2024 Establishing a day-fines pilot program in the office of administrative trials and hearings
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/0552-2024 Enacted Requiring street resurfacing coordination.
with 32 sponsors
intro.nyc/0863-2024 Enacted Expanding the application of procurement procedures for certain service contracts, and enhancing public notice requirements for changes to planned contract actions
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0961-2024 Exemptions from real property taxes and payments in lieu of taxes for certain properties owned by senior citizens or persons with disabilities.
with 5 sponsors
intro.nyc/0962-2024 Enacted Resolution and enforcement of property tax collection and preservation of housing for certain properties.
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/1000-2024 Permitting the use of commercial parking spaces by for-hire vehicles.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/1017-2024 Study and report on the feasibility of direct ferry service to Coney Island.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/1018-2024 Enacted Prohibiting the sale of dogs and cats in pet shops, and to repeal paragraph 5 of subdivision d of section 17-373, and sections 17-1703, 17-1704, and 17-1705 of such code, relating to required information, recordkeeping, and minimum standards in pet shops.
with 19 sponsors
intro.nyc/1019-2024 Reporting and publication of mental health emergency response data.
with 9 sponsors
intro.nyc/1072-2024 Press access in city hall.
intro.nyc/1090-2024 Enacted Authorizing an increase in the amount to be expended annually in 9 business improvement districts.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/1160-2025 Enacted Installing pavement markings.
with 15 sponsors

Sponsored Legislation

Council member Justin L. Brannan has sponsored 259 bills originally introduced by other Council members in the current legislative session.

intro.nyc/0001-2024 Enacted The naming of the Paul A. Vallone Queens Animal Care Center.
Introduced by Adrienne E. Adams
intro.nyc/0005-2024 Translating the citizen’s air complaint program portal into the designated citywide languages.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0009-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Providing information about obtaining counsel at the first point of contact during a covered proceeding.
Introduced by Diana I. Ayala
intro.nyc/0023-2024 Establishing auditing requirements for minority and women-owned business enterprise procurement.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/0024-2024 Permitting street vendors to vend within two feet from the curb.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/0025-2024 Enacted Provision of senior citizen rent increase exemption application forms pre-populated with applicable data to eligible persons living in city-supervised Mitchell-Lama housing.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0026-2024 Restricting non-essential helicopter operations at city heliports to helicopters powered fully by electric engines.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0029-2024 Requiring a training program for first responders and an awareness campaign regarding domestic violence-related traumatic brain injuries
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0037-2024 Increasing civil penalties for operating a bicycle, bicycle with electric assist, or electric scooter on the sidewalk.
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/0039-2024 Enacted Establishing a program to assist with door and window repair and security for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/0040-2024 Increasing transparency and accountability in the real property tax assessment process.
Introduced by Kamillah Hanks
intro.nyc/0044-2024 The senior citizen rent increase exemption and the disability rent increase exemption.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/0047-2024 Repealing the misdemeanor criminal penalties for general vendors and mobile food vendors.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0048-2024 Requiring that notices of violation issued by the dept of sanitation be accompanied by a photograph of the alleged violation.
Introduced by Christopher Marte
intro.nyc/0052-2024 Street cleanliness grading system.
Introduced by Francisco P. Moya
intro.nyc/0056-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring the administration for children’s services to report annually on the number and placement of foster youth.
Introduced by Chi A. Ossé
intro.nyc/0057-2024 Penalties for failure to store waste in a satisfactory manner in required receptacles and for placing waste at the curb or on the street or sidewalk prior to the specified time for collection.
Introduced by Chi A. Ossé
intro.nyc/0062-2024 Suspending the tax imposed by chapter 24 of title 11 of such code for the tax year beginning on June 1, 2023.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0065-2024 Reporting on moneys on deposit.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0066-2024 Reporting on non-depository city financial services.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0070-2024 Prohibiting non-essential helicopters from operating at heliports owned or operated by the city.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0075-2024 Requiring the department of citywide administrative services to maintain an interactive webpage providing information on the city government workforce and to publish semiannual reports aggregating and summarizing such information.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0077-2024 Enacted Post-employment activities of certain former public servants.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0078-2024 The disposition of real property of the city.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0080-2024 Hazardous obstruction by vehicles and civilian complaints to the department of transportation for hazardous obstruction violations.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0081-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring an audit and report on foster care placement notices.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0093-2024 Enacted Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to develop a healthy nyc population health agenda.
Introduced by Lynn C. Schulman
intro.nyc/0099-2024 Creation of curbside overnight truck parking sections in Industrial Business Zones.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0100-2024 Enacted Suspension of alternate side parking regulations on Losar.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/0107-2024 Air quality monitoring at designated “heavy use” thoroughfares.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0108-2024 Requiring sheriffs and city marshals to report housing displacement to the department of social services/human resources administration to evaluate eligibility for legal counsel.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0111-2024 Reporting on vacant public housing dwelling units.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0113-2024 Conducting a study of the impact that truck and delivery traffic generated by last mile facilities have on local communities and infrastructure.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0117-2024 Requiring the department of education to create an online portal to facilitate the comparison of funding and spending across schools.
Introduced by Diana I. Ayala
intro.nyc/0120-2024 Enhancing the pre-arraignment physical and behavioral health screenings of arrestees held at the central booking facility of a criminal court in the city of New York.
Introduced by Diana I. Ayala
intro.nyc/0137-2024 Creation of a task force to coordinate the removal of fallen trees due to a severe weather event.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/0175-2024 Requiring the department of education to create a plan to provide specialized high schools exam preparation to all middle school students.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz
intro.nyc/0178-2024 Prohibiting the sale or distribution of fraudulent license plates.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz
intro.nyc/0184-2024 Prohibiting non-therapeutic, elective, or convenience surgical devocalization of healthy cats and dogs.
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/0186-2024 Requiring DEP to report on its progress toward decreasing the presence of sewage and stormwater contaminants in the city waterways and various strategies to achieve those goals, and providing for the expiration and repeal of such requirement.
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/0188-2024 Requiring the department of parks and recreation to resolve risks posed by trees on public property.
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/0193-2024 Requiring taxis and for-hire vehicles to display a decal warning passengers to look for cyclists when opening the door.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/0197-2024 Requiring text to 911 and next generation 911 to be available in the designated citywide languages.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/0201-2024 Establishing an office of child care to oversee free child care for all city residents.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/0214-2024 Creating a private right of action related to civil immigration detainers and cooperation with federal immigration authorities.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/0215-2024 Establishing an office of translation and interpretation within the office of immigrant affairs.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/0216-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Enhancing the application process for the New York city identity card.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/0217-2024 Prohibiting places or providers of public accommodation from using biometric recognition technology and protecting any biometric identifier information collected.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/0237-2024 Establishing a grab-and-go meal program at older adult centers.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/0238-2024 Establishing a technical support program for older adults.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/0243-2024 Indirect costs of nonprofit city service contractors.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/0265-2024 Enacted Improving benefits enrollment processes for city employees.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0267-2024 Making certain bathrooms in city facilities available for public use.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0272-2024 Capital plan and timeline for installing public bathrooms.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0341-2024 Enacted Requiring the NYC DOE to report the number of students reported to the office of school health as having a diagnosis of sickle cell disease or trait.
Introduced by Mercedes Narcisse
intro.nyc/0351-2024 Requiring the department of sanitation to develop a plan for ensuring proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0353-2024 Enacted Installation of solar photovoltaic systems on city-owned property.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0354-2024 Utilizing city-owned lots for energy storage systems.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0380-2024 Requiring the department of education to create a plan to administer specialized high schools admission tests on a school day.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0385-2024 Authorizing city agencies to operate small remotely piloted aircraft.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0397-2024 Amending the nuisance abatement law regarding the sale or delivery of cannabis.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0407-2024 Sales of cooperative apartments.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0408-2024 Creating a division within the department of small business services to assist street vendors and requiring the commissioner of small business services to update the department’s programs to facilitate street vendor access.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0424-2024 Flood evacuation plans for tenants.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0429-2024 Periodic inspections of gas piping systems, ordinary plumbing work, reestablishing the plumbing and fire suppression piping contractor license board, piping systems, emergency work, fire suppression piping work, and seizure.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0431-2024 Ensuring business licensing and regulatory compliance of all mobile food and general vendors.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0435-2024 Enacted Expanding availability of rapid testing for sexually transmitted infections.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0468-2024 Enacted Department of transportation posting information on traffic-control device and speed reducer requests on its website.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0497-2024 Background checks for child care providers, employees, and volunteers.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0501-2024 Background checks for child care providers, employees, and volunteers.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0502-2024 Background checks for child care providers, employees, and volunteers.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0557-2024 Enacted Adding a 311 complaint category for unlicensed cannabis retailers.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0564-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Creating an archive of official government social media accounts.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0585-2024 A teacher retention reporting requirement and task force.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0605-2024 Prohibiting school bus parking on city streets overnight and on weekends.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0606-2024 Requiring that every bicycle with electric assist, electric scooter and other legal motorized vehicle be licensed and registered.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0641-2024 Nutrition standards and beverage options for children’s meals served in food service establishments.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0653-2024 Enacted Continuation of the New York city rent stabilization law.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0654-2024 Enacted Abatement of taxation for alterations and improvements to certain multiple dwellings.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0662-2024 Increasing certain penalties for excessive noise from motor vehicles
Introduced by Erik D. Bottcher
intro.nyc/0694-2024 Long-term citywide bathroom strategy.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0717-2024 Rental assistance eligibility requirements for street homeless individuals.
Introduced by Lynn C. Schulman
intro.nyc/0725-2024 Requiring the department for the aging to report on senior and accessible dwelling units.
Introduced by Lynn C. Schulman
intro.nyc/0726-2024 Assessment of certain children with elevated blood lead levels.
Introduced by Lynn C. Schulman
intro.nyc/0734-2024 Establishing prevailing wage requirements for city-contracted human service workers
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0736-2024 Enacted Establish a rat contraceptive pilot program.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0740-2024 Establishing a real property tax exemption for Cold War veterans.
Introduced by David M. Carr
intro.nyc/0742-2024 Lobbying prohibitions in connection with campaign-related fundraising or political consulting.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0770-2024 Requiring home-delivered meals be delivered each day of the calendar year.
Introduced by Linda Lee
intro.nyc/0801-2024 Enacted Requiring an agency to provide an explanation of a denial of approval of a subcontractor.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/0804-2024 Establishing a child care opioid antagonist program
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0805-2024 Creating a business directory for NYCHA tenant-owned businesses and establishing a marketing campaign to highlight the New York city housing authority tenant-owned business directory.
Introduced by Chris Banks
intro.nyc/0807-2024 Creating a pilot program to provide shelter locations during flash flooding events
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/0808-2024 Information required in job listings.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/0809-2024 Enacted Requiring the commissioner of citywide administrative services to report on the administration of promotion examinations.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/0810-2024 NYCHA Package - The development of a public housing entrepreneurship and commercial popup program
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0814-2024 Enacted Addressing sewer backups.
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/0815-2024 Enacted Creation of a flood risk area map showing both the rainfall risk area and the coastal flood risk area.
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/0816-2024 Requiring the department of environmental protection to notify owners of property when the city of New York requests a base rental payment from the New York city water board
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/0817-2024 Study and report on the feasibility of a low-cost and city-sponsored renter’s insurance program.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/0820-2024 Number of steps to submit service requests or complaints on the 311 website and mobile application.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0821-2024 Creation of a centralized mobile application for accessing city services
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0822-2024 Requiring the 311 customer service center to indicate that an agency is unable to respond to a service request or complaint and implement protocols providing proof of action.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0823-2024 DOT study on speed reducing measures for bicycles with electric assist operating in bicycle lanes.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0826-2024 Providing a copy of the registration statement in the online property owner registry.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0827-2024 Establishing an office of human trafficking.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0828-2024 Distribution of information relating to careers in civil service at the city university of New York.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0829-2024 Promotion of civil service examinations.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0834-2024 Posting information on school meal ingredients and preparation online and reporting on allergic reactions to school meals.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0835-2024 Provision of menstrual cups in schools.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0836-2024 Requiring the dept of health and mental hygiene to provide menstrual hygiene products for CUNY to make available on campus.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0839-2024 Increasing penalties for failure to comply with backflow prevention requirements
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0841-2024 Provision of interest-free loans to small businesses, non-profits and freelance workers following certain emergency circumstances
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0842-2024 Requiring the department of transportation to consider placement of traffic enforcement agents in developing an interagency roadway safety plan
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0847-2024 Requiring the department of homeless services and human resources administration to post shelter, supportive housing and cluster site data.
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0848-2024 Requiring water bottle-filling stations in city agency buildings.
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0849-2024 Requiring automated external defibrillators in private schools and police cars
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0851-2024 Remediating lead soil hazards in dwellings
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0856-2024 Increasing the fines for the unlawful use of all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0857-2024 Towing vehicles that are an encumbrance on the street.
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0858-2024 NYCHA Package - Requiring the department of small business services to expand the business pathways program.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0862-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to staff each police precinct with a licensed social worker.
Introduced by Erik D. Bottcher
intro.nyc/0865-2024 Records of the chief medical examiner that relate to work-related fatal injuries in the workplace, and to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to reporting on workplace fatalities.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/0866-2024 Enforcing the human rights law and conducting an information campaign for places of public accommodation.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0867-2024 Prohibiting the sale of menstrual and intimate care products that contain unsafe ingredients.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0869-2024 Enacted Outreach and education regarding parental mental health resources.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/0870-2024 Annual report on compliance with the Americans with disabilities act standards for accessible design by the department of parks and recreation, and to repeal and replace section 18-143 of the administrative code of the city of New York.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/0871-2024 Extending reasonable workplace accommodations to caregivers.
Introduced by Kamillah Hanks
intro.nyc/0875-2024 Requiring the installation of pedestrian lighting on step streets
Introduced by Kamillah Hanks
intro.nyc/0876-2024 Study and report on the ownership and maintenance of utility poles.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0877-2024 Consumer protections and home repair work
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0881-2024 Establishing a pilot program to study increasing the minimum percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement in asphaltic concrete.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0882-2024 The installation and maintenance of tree guards
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0883-2024 Improving the flow of traffic during street construction
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0884-2024 Examination, survey and mapping of all methane leaks in New York City.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0885-2024 Remediating lead water hazards in schools and facilities providing day care services
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0886-2024 Building permit classifications and certificate of occupancy requirements
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0887-2024 Cool pavements pilot program.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0890-2024 Enacted Implementing a pilot program to establish postpartum support groups.
Introduced by Linda Lee
intro.nyc/0891-2024 Enacted Information about the maternal mortality and morbidity review committee.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0893-2024 Establishing a screening program for endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0895-2024 Requiring schools and child care programs to stock epinephrine auto-injector devices.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0897-2024 Committee on city healthcare services.
Introduced by Mercedes Narcisse
intro.nyc/0899-2024 Requiring a public education campaign on how to prevent unsolicited advertising on private property.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0900-2024 Installing drinking fountains in public spaces.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0901-2024 Enacted Providing certain homeownership information to homeowners and their heirs.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0903-2024 Expanding availability of rapid self-testing for sexually transmitted infections.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0905-2024 Requiring standardized feedback surveys from food services contractors.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/0908-2024 Enacted Requiring council advice and consent for certain commissioners.
Introduced by Adrienne E. Adams
intro.nyc/0910-2024 Establishment of community hiring and compensation standards for city assisted housing development projects.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/0912-2024 Enacted Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to develop and distribute parenting resource materials to parents and guardians of newborn children.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/0913-2024 Requiring that balloons made with electrically conductive material and filled with gas lighter than air be weighted and include warning labels.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0914-2024 Requiring the department of homeless services to post shelter information online.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0915-2024 Orders to seal, secure, and close.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0919-2024 Installation of surveillance cameras to identify illegal placement of household refuse in public litter baskets
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0921-2024 Timelines for the removal of abandoned or unsafe utility poles, wires, and appurtenances, and the transfer of appurtenances to newly erected poles.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0925-2024 Requiring the inspection of steam radiators in multiple dwellings.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0926-2024 Creation of appropriate and responsible use practices for artificial intelligence tools used by city agencies.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0927-2024 Disclosure requirements for OSHA-authorized health and safety course offerings and an education and outreach campaign to raise awareness about fraudulent health and safety courses.
Introduced by Francisco P. Moya
intro.nyc/0928-2024 Requiring the department of transportation to conduct a pilot project on the use of cool pavement
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0929-2024 Requiring a specification for hazard pay in solicitations for certain emergency procurements made during a state of emergency related to the outbreak of a communicable disease.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0930-2024 Establishment of a task force to develop equitable responses to infectious disease related emergencies, including COVID-19.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0932-2024 Requiring the police department to submit to the council reports of services provided to any private entity.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0933-2024 Outreach campaign on gun buy-back programs.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0934-2024 Voluntary community gun buy-back program.
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0937-2024 Annual reporting on the use of shore power at cruise terminals.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0952-2024 Verification of intermediated contributions to candidates for election and contributions requiring contribution cards.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0954-2024 Acknowledgment of campaign contributions made in connection with covered elections
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0955-2024 Requiring annual reports on afterschool programs
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0964-2024 Creation of a disaster assistance center.
Introduced by Kamillah Hanks
intro.nyc/0968-2024 Enacted Naming of 100 thoroughfares and public places.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0973-2024 Pohibiting discrimination based on employment history.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0974-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to create a training program for providers of pregnancy and postpartum-related services about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0977-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring the department of probation to report on technical probation violations and all programming offered by the department.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0978-2024 Requiring the 311 customer service center to provide relevant resources in response to tree pruning-related requests
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0979-2024 Reporting on shelter food consumption, and providing the repeal thereof.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/0981-2024 Enacted Reporting on enforcement of unlicensed sellers of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco products and illicit cannabis.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0984-2024 Study on pay and employment equity for private employees.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0986-2024 Enacted Pilot program to involve mental health professional candidates in student wellness clubs in public middle and high schools.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0987-2024 Pilot program to develop and distribute educational materials regarding the reduction of surplus food in public schools.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0988-2024 Interactive map for the posting of information regarding swimming pools under the jurisdiction of the department of parks and recreation.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0989-2024 Enacted Student wellness club toolkits.
Introduced by Linda Lee
intro.nyc/0991-2024 Enacted Licensing Hotels
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0992-2024 Requiring the office for neighborhood safety and the prevention of gun violence to provide notice and report on the crisis management system.
Introduced by Mercedes Narcisse
intro.nyc/0996-2024 Enacted Peer-based mental health literacy trainings for students.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0998-2024 Cooling centers.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0999-2024 Installation of vape detectors in public middle and high schools.
Introduced by Joann Ariola
intro.nyc/1001-2024 Creating an automated text messaging system to provide participants with important reminders regarding children’s health and development.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/1003-2024 Creation of an artificial intelligence working group within the city commission on human rights to study its impact on employment.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/1004-2024 Providing information on wheelchair repair providers and related services.
Introduced by Mercedes Narcisse
intro.nyc/1009-2024 Requiring the department of education to report on early childhood education seat availability, outreach, and staff vacancies.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/1010-2024 Pilot program to install surveillance cameras in parks to deter illegal motor vehicle use, and to repeal this local law upon the expiration thereof.
Introduced by Sandra Ung
intro.nyc/1012-2024 Requiring a digital procurement and contract management system.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/1014-2024 Campaign finance board deadlines.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/1016-2024 Consumer warnings regarding rifles, shotguns, and firearms.
Introduced by Erik D. Bottcher
intro.nyc/1020-2024 Replacement of the individual responsible for implementing certain duties of the commissioner of investigation relating to the police department and reporting on investigations relating to the police department.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/1022-2024 Enacted Requiring a study and plan regarding naturally occurring retirement communities and aging in place.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/1023-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring the DOC to establish and operate an online scheduling system for visits to incarcerated persons.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/1024-2024 Requiring a centralized list of artificial intelligence tools approved to be used by agencies
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/1025-2024 Enacted Provision of information regarding employment discrimination and older adult workforce programs.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1028-2024 Automatic enrollment of eligible individuals in city-created benefit programs
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1032-2024 Establishing a universal application and recertification system for the senior citizen rent increase exemption program and disability rent increase exemption program.
Introduced by Christopher Marte
intro.nyc/1033-2024 Education and outreach campaign to enroll students in 3-K and pre-K.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/1036-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring correctional health services to provide reports regarding people in custody who have been ordered to undergo a court-ordered forensic psychiatric examination.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/1039-2024 Setting maximum amounts for certain member usage fees charged by a bike share operator.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/1041-2024 Outreach campaign to inform parents about their rights in relation to child care programs.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1042-2024 Reporting on training for child care inspectors.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1043-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to create and implement a public awareness strategy to offer overdose prevention and reversal training to public health sanitarians of the department and to teaching staff of child care programs.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1044-2024 Creation of a mobile application on exercise and nutrition programs.
Introduced by Lynn C. Schulman
intro.nyc/1050-2024 Limiting the amount of liability coverage that the taxi and limousine commission may require for vehicles it licenses.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/1052-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Expanding foster youth experience surveys to include experiences related to gender expression, gender identity, sex characteristics, and sexual orientation.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1053-2024 Enacted A study and report on the feasibility of creating older adult information points.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1054-2024 Enacted 10-year plan to support aging in place.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1056-2024 Training for medical personnel in public schools and reporting on participation in such training.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1062-2024 Clarifying the requirement that heads of mayoral agencies advise and assist elected officials and bodies of elected officials in regard to matters under the jurisdiction of their agencies.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/1076-2024 Requiring the inclusion of businesses owned by persons of Middle Eastern and North African descent in future disparity studies.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/1077-2024 Provision of luggage to foster care youth.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/1080-2024 Requiring the integration of mental health professionals into public service answering points.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/1081-2024 Requiring the department of consumer and worker protection to confirm receipt of complaints related to fair work practices and to notify the person or entity under investigation of the receipt of the complaint.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/1082-2024 Study and report on fees and costs required to start and maintain a small business.
Introduced by Mercedes Narcisse
intro.nyc/1086-2024 Notifying interested parties of the recording of certain real estate instruments.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1087-2024 Study on a program to make bridge loans available to awardees of capital funding from the city.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1088-2024 Enacted Charter revision commission to draft a new or revised city charter.
Introduced by Adrienne E. Adams
intro.nyc/1091-2024 Identifying and explaining the use of tree pits located on streets and in landscaped parks on the tree map.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/1092-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Educating older adults about elder fraud, end of life preparation, and financial literacy.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1097-2024 Requiring certain retail stores to accept flexible benefit cards.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/1099-2024 Requiring reporting on the impact of algorithmic tools on city employees and changes in employment responsibilities due to algorithmic tools.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/1101-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring the police department to provide information and officer training relating to identity theft.
Introduced by Yusef Salaam
intro.nyc/1103-2024 Enacted Community outreach regarding the availability of mental health resources in response to violent and traumatic incidents.
Introduced by Diana I. Ayala
intro.nyc/1104-2024 Study and report on the feasibility of new ferry terminals.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/1114-2024 Requiring the commissioner of transportation to create an online capital project tracker.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/1117-2024 Requiring an annual report on the state of waterfront infrastructure.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/1121-2024 Providing contracted ferry service at reduced cost to middle school students.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/1122-2024 Plan for expanding home access to broadband internet.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/1125-2024 Requiring the department of education to report on school librarians and library access in New York city public schools.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/1126-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring the provision of official waste containers at no cost to certain residential buildings with 2 or fewer dwelling units, and providing for the repeal of such local law upon the expiration thereof.
Introduced by Yusef Salaam
intro.nyc/1129-2024 Complaints to 311 about overhead wires.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1134-2024 Race and ethnicity data collected by agencies.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/1138-2024 Prohibiting standing or parking a vehicle within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/1140-2024 Annual reporting on firehouse vehicles, equipment and supplies.
Introduced by Joann Ariola
intro.nyc/1146-2024 Expanding the availability of the newborn home visiting program.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/1147-2024 Requiring the cleaning of medians at least once per quarter.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/1148-2024 Requiring the department of social services to provide a receipt for applications for benefits or services.
Introduced by Tiffany Cabán
intro.nyc/1149-2024 Language accessibility at ferry terminals.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/1150-2024 Creation of a comprehensive stormwater plan and a stormwater dashboard.
Introduced by James F. Gennaro
intro.nyc/1153-2024 Enacted Naming of 109 thoroughfares and public places.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/1154-2024 Establishing a high visibility pavement marking pilot program and the repeal of this local law upon the expiration thereof.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/1156-2024 Establishing a prevailing wage requirement for covered workers in financially assisted facilities.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/1157-2024 Requiring child protective specialists to provide certain information to parents and other persons legally responsible for the care of children who are the subject of reports of child abuse or maltreatment.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/1161-2025 Reporting and analysis of pay and employment equity data concerning city contractors.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/1162-2025 Requiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to report annually on suicides that occur in the city.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/1163-2025 Requiring the NYC Department of Education to report on outreach to parents and guardians of eligible students about the NYC Scholarship Account program.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/1165-2025 Creation of a public awareness campaign for the disability rent increase exemption program.
Introduced by Erik D. Bottcher
intro.nyc/1171-2025 Requiring a study and recommendations on the feasibility of implementing a pilot program to provide reconsolidation of traumatic memories therapy for veterans.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/1172-2025 Pilot program to establish a pet food pantry.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/1173-2025 Requiring bicyclists to wear protective headgear.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/1174-2025 Creation and publicization of an online portal for vulnerable and homebound individuals to voluntarily facilitate their inclusion in outreach and recovery efforts during emergencies.
Introduced by Linda Lee
intro.nyc/1175-2025 Civil legal services for domestic violence survivors in divorce proceedings.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/1207-2025 Allowing for time spent in an apprenticeship to count towards the supervised practical experience time requirement for the granting of high-pressure boiler operating engineer licenses.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa