Legislation (2024-2025 Session)
Council member Public Advocate Jumaane Williams has introduced 65 bills in the current legislative session.
57 bills are in Committee
, 7 bills are Laid Over in Committee
, 1 bills are Enacted
Dept of finance conducting education and outreach regarding deed and foreclosure prevention assistance fraud.
with 10 sponsors
A temporary moratorium on third party transfers of real property and a study on the eligibility of transferable property.
with 4 sponsors
Requiring the department of education to provide information requiring school compliance with the Americans with disabilities act.
with 8 sponsors
Requiring employers to hold an onboarding meeting to discuss an employee's reintegration back into the workplace after parental leave.
with 5 sponsors
Prohibiting discrimination in the issuance of credit and requiring creditors to disclose to potential borrowers how their rate is calculated.
with 26 sponsors
The cleaning of catch basins and reports on catch basin cleanups and maintenance.
with 10 sponsors
The creation of a taskforce to study improving safety in homeless shelters.
with 6 sponsors
Establishing a commission to develop a citywide shelter siting plan for implementation by the department of homeless services and social services.
with 7 sponsors
Creating a division within the department of small business services to assist street vendors and requiring the commissioner of small business services to update the department’s programs to facilitate street vendor access.
with 23 sponsors
Establishment of a home sharing program for homeless individuals and reporting in relation thereto.
with 3 sponsors
Signage regarding transgender rights and services at hospitals.
with 8 sponsors
Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to report on training for medical care for transgender and gender non-conforming persons.
with 5 sponsors
Establishing a commission to study and make recommendations regarding the root causes of violence in the city.
with 3 sponsors
Requiring owners to notify tenants of unsafe conditions of exterior walls of buildings.
Responding to complaints filed about immediately hazardous and hazardous conditions in multiple dwellings.
with 3 sponsors
Creating an interagency task force to be charged with studying the obstacles faced by children of incarcerated parents, from arrest to reunification.
with 3 sponsors
311 transmitting image and video data for housing service requests or complaints.
with 3 sponsors
Requiring the department of correction to assist incarcerated individuals in obtaining school transcripts, social security cards and driver licenses.
with 7 sponsors
Imposing civil penalties on contractors who perform work after the expiration of a permit.
with 4 sponsors
Requiring that NYPD vehicles be equipped with bulletproof glass.
with 7 sponsors
Requiring the department of small business services to offer training and education to small businesses regarding accessibility of the workplace and inclusion of workers with disabilities.
with 5 sponsors
Requiring the 311 customer service center to accept requests for service and complaints using video call functionality.
with 5 sponsors
Videoconferencing services for individuals in custody of the department of correction
with 7 sponsors
Prohibiting unauthorized surveillance by a global positioning system or similar technology.
with 5 sponsors
Requiring police officers to treat breathing difficulties as medical emergencies.
with 5 sponsors
Use of conducted electrical weapons by the police department.
with 3 sponsors
Prohibiting non-disclosure agreements relating to development projects.
with 6 sponsors
Expansion of the Franchise and Concession Review Committee.
with 5 sponsors
Creation of a task force to study, report on, and make recommendations to improve New York city housing authority’s tenant engagement and address tenant concerns regarding safety and quality of life
with 6 sponsors
Distressed property consultant disclosures and homeowner foreclosure prevention education.
with 3 sponsors
Requiring multiple dwelling owners to provide notice to their tenants prior to temporarily or permanently making building amenities unavailable.
with 2 sponsors
Requiring city employers to provide earned personal time to employees.
with 4 sponsors
Requiring the installation and maintenance of an informational sign at the intersection of Wall and Pearl Streets in Manhattan to mark the site of New York’s first slave market.
with 19 sponsors
Posting information on school meal ingredients and preparation online and reporting on allergic reactions to school meals.
with 6 sponsors
Requiring the dept of health and mental hygiene to provide menstrual hygiene products for CUNY to make available on campus.
with 8 sponsors
Requiring that notice of hotel development plans be provided to certain officials at the time the application is filed.
with 3 sponsors
Application for New York city identity cards by incarcerated persons.
with 27 sponsors
Increasing penalties for failure to comply with backflow prevention requirements
with 5 sponsors
Requiring the police department to report on custodial interrogations of minors
with 3 sponsors
Provision of interest-free loans to small businesses, non-profits and freelance workers following certain emergency circumstances
with 11 sponsors
Requiring the department of transportation to consider placement of traffic enforcement agents in developing an interagency roadway safety plan
with 5 sponsors
Establishing a digital inclusion officer at every city agency
with 4 sponsors
Requiring a specification for hazard pay in solicitations for certain emergency procurements made during a state of emergency related to the outbreak of a communicable disease.
with 5 sponsors
Establishment of a task force to develop equitable responses to infectious disease related emergencies, including COVID-19.
with 5 sponsors
Requiring the police department to post quarterly reports on its website relating to the use of seat belt holds and chokeholds
with 4 sponsors
Requiring the police department to submit to the council reports of services provided to any private entity.
with 4 sponsors
Requiring quarterly reporting on enforcement interactions with street vendors.
with 2 sponsors
Provision of sufficient receptacles for the storage of solid waste
with 9 sponsors
Increasing the number of violations required to revoke authorization to operate a commuter van service.
Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to create a training program for providers of pregnancy and postpartum-related services about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
with 6 sponsors