Rafael Salamanca, Jr.

Mar 2016 - Dec 2025
District 17 (Bronx)


Bronx Delegation of the New York City Council
Committee on Civil and Human Rights
Committee on Economic Development
Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency and Waterfronts
Committee on Land Use (chair)
Committee on Public Housing
Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections
Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management

Legislation (2024-2025 Session)

Council member Rafael Salamanca, Jr. has introduced 20 bills in the current legislative session.

17 bills are in Committee , 1 bills are Laid Over in Committee , 2 bills are Enacted

intro.nyc/0087-2024 Enacted Requiring the administration for children’s services and the department of probation to report on juvenile justice statistics.
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0426-2024 Operation of tobacco bars.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0427-2024 Requiring letter grades for food service establishments operated in schools.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0762-2024 Establishing exemptions for third-party food delivery services from the limits on fees charged by such services on food service establishments.
with 28 sponsors
intro.nyc/0845-2024 DOE to report annually on the number of teachers, administrators and school staff who have completed therapeutic crisis intervention in schools training.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0846-2024 Establishing wastewater treatment plant monitoring committees.
with 5 sponsors
intro.nyc/0847-2024 Requiring the department of homeless services and human resources administration to post shelter, supportive housing and cluster site data.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0848-2024 Requiring water bottle-filling stations in city agency buildings.
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0849-2024 Requiring automated external defibrillators in private schools and police cars
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0850-2024 Enacted Requiring the department of housing preservation and development to report on the disposition of city property for affordable housing development
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/0851-2024 Remediating lead soil hazards in dwellings
with 10 sponsors
intro.nyc/0852-2024 Requiring towed vehicle storage facilities to provide 24 hour access
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0853-2024 Creating borough-based traffic request response teams
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0854-2024 Requiring the department of social services to create a domestic violence shelter designated for men
with 4 sponsors
intro.nyc/0855-2024 Offering fentanyl test strips at syringe exchange programs.
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/0856-2024 Increasing the fines for the unlawful use of all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes
with 8 sponsors
intro.nyc/0857-2024 Towing vehicles that are an encumbrance on the street.
with 13 sponsors
intro.nyc/0934-2024 Voluntary community gun buy-back program.
with 3 sponsors
intro.nyc/0976-2024 Renaming one thoroughfare and public place in the Borough of the Bronx, Sheridan Boulevard, and to amend the official map of the city of New York accordingly.
intro.nyc/1109-2024 Suspension of alternate side parking regulations on Duarte Day.
with 4 sponsors

Sponsored Legislation

Council member Rafael Salamanca, Jr. has sponsored 44 bills originally introduced by other Council members in the current legislative session.

intro.nyc/0003-2024 Removal of abandoned or derelict vehicles.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0025-2024 Enacted Provision of senior citizen rent increase exemption application forms pre-populated with applicable data to eligible persons living in city-supervised Mitchell-Lama housing.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0043-2024 Requiring that all public waste receptacles be emptied by the department of sanitation at least once per day.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0052-2024 Street cleanliness grading system.
Introduced by Francisco P. Moya
intro.nyc/0102-2024 Requiring that notices of violation issued by the department of sanitation be accompanied by a photograph of the alleged violation.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0107-2024 Air quality monitoring at designated “heavy use” thoroughfares.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0171-2024 Waste collection from nursing homes.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0175-2024 Requiring the department of education to create a plan to provide specialized high schools exam preparation to all middle school students.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz
intro.nyc/0177-2024 Prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle with fraudulent or expired license plates.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz
intro.nyc/0180-2024 Establishing a program to provide financial assistance to small retail businesses for the purchase of security system technology.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz
intro.nyc/0201-2024 Establishing an office of child care to oversee free child care for all city residents.
Introduced by Jennifer Gutiérrez
intro.nyc/0281-2024 Requiring the department of sanitation to install and fill dog waste bag dispensers on public litter baskets.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0299-2024 Reducing civil penalties where food service establishments donate left over food.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0300-2024 Establishing an office of small business digitalization and technical amendments in relation thereto.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0340-2024 Automatic waiver of certain additional penalties for a parking violation if a vehicle owner responds to a notice of violation between forty-five and ninety days of its issuance.
Introduced by Mercedes Narcisse
intro.nyc/0351-2024 Requiring the department of sanitation to develop a plan for ensuring proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0353-2024 Enacted Installation of solar photovoltaic systems on city-owned property.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0354-2024 Utilizing city-owned lots for energy storage systems.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0360-2024 Enacted Payment of fees imposed in relation to the rental of residential real property.
Introduced by Chi A. Ossé
intro.nyc/0380-2024 Requiring the department of education to create a plan to administer specialized high schools admission tests on a school day.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0401-2024 Prohibiting discrimination in the issuance of credit and requiring creditors to disclose to potential borrowers how their rate is calculated.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0429-2024 Periodic inspections of gas piping systems, ordinary plumbing work, reestablishing the plumbing and fire suppression piping contractor license board, piping systems, emergency work, fire suppression piping work, and seizure.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0434-2024 Building water system maintenance and inspection.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0468-2024 Enacted Department of transportation posting information on traffic-control device and speed reducer requests on its website.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0504-2024 Establishing priority for sidewalk repairs at developments operated by the NYCHA.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0532-2024 Enacted Reimbursing small nonpublic schools for the cost of security guard services.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/0539-2024 Prohibition on sharing location data with third parties.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/0546-2024 Requiring the department of education to create a plan for a pilot after school SHSAT preparation program.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/0606-2024 Requiring that every bicycle with electric assist, electric scooter and other legal motorized vehicle be licensed and registered.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0641-2024 Nutrition standards and beverage options for children’s meals served in food service establishments.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0736-2024 Enacted Establish a rat contraceptive pilot program.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0896-2024 Limiting nighttime illumination for certain buildings.
Introduced by Francisco P. Moya
intro.nyc/0910-2024 Establishment of community hiring and compensation standards for city assisted housing development projects.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/0925-2024 Requiring the inspection of steam radiators in multiple dwellings.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0933-2024 Outreach campaign on gun buy-back programs.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0967-2024 Carriage horses and horse drawn cabs.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0968-2024 Enacted Naming of 100 thoroughfares and public places.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0991-2024 Enacted Licensing Hotels
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0998-2024 Cooling centers.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/1073-2024 Requiring bird friendly materials in certain existing buildings.
Introduced by Tiffany Cabán
intro.nyc/1107-2024 Common households for short-term rentals in one- and two-family dwellings.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/1153-2024 Enacted Naming of 109 thoroughfares and public places.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/1156-2024 Establishing a prevailing wage requirement for covered workers in financially assisted facilities.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/1169-2025 Safe collection and disposal of needles and syringes.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz