NYC Council Introduction 996 2024-2025 Legislative Session Enacted
Peer-based mental health literacy trainings for students.
Sponsored by Althea V. Stevens
Introduced: July 18, 2024

This bill would require the Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene to offer to public middle and high school students a peer-based mental health literacy training. The training would include instruction on identifying common signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges, interacting with peers experiencing mental health distress, and locating and accessing mental health resources. Additionally, the bill would require the Commissioner, in coordination with the Chancellor of New York City Public Schools, to submit a report on this training to the Mayor and Speaker of the Council and post this report online. Finally, the Department of Education would have to distribute informational materials concerning the availability of this training to public middle and high schools each academic year for distribution to students.

Approved by Committee January 22, 2025

Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction Votes 8:0:0
Linda Lee (Affirmative)
Shaun Abreu (Affirmative)
Erik D. Bottcher (Affirmative)
Tiffany Cabán (Affirmative)
Shahana K. Hanif (Affirmative)
Farah N. Louis (Affirmative)
Kristy Marmorato (Affirmative)
Darlene Mealy (Affirmative)

Approved by Council January 23, 2025

Votes 48:0:0
Adrienne E. Adams (Affirmative)
Diana I. Ayala (Affirmative)
Shaun Abreu (Affirmative)
Joann Ariola (Affirmative)
Alexa Avilés (Affirmative)
Chris Banks (Affirmative)
Joseph C. Borelli (Affirmative)
Erik D. Bottcher (Absent)
Justin L. Brannan (Affirmative)
Gale A. Brewer (Affirmative)
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers (Affirmative)
Tiffany Cabán (Affirmative)
David M. Carr (Affirmative)
Carmen N. De La Rosa (Affirmative)
Eric Dinowitz (Affirmative)
Amanda Farías (Affirmative)
Oswald Feliz (Affirmative)
James F. Gennaro (Affirmative)
Jennifer Gutiérrez (Parental)
Shahana K. Hanif (Affirmative)
Kamillah Hanks (Affirmative)
Robert F. Holden (Affirmative)
Crystal Hudson (Affirmative)
Rita C. Joseph (Affirmative)
Shekar Krishnan (Affirmative)
Linda Lee (Affirmative)
Farah N. Louis (Affirmative)
Kristy Marmorato (Affirmative)
Christopher Marte (Affirmative)
Darlene Mealy (Affirmative)
Julie Menin (Affirmative)
Francisco P. Moya (Affirmative)
Mercedes Narcisse (Affirmative)
Sandy Nurse (Affirmative)
Chi A. Ossé (Affirmative)
Vickie Paladino (Affirmative)
Keith Powers (Affirmative)
Lincoln Restler (Affirmative)
Kevin C. Riley (Affirmative)
Carlina Rivera (Affirmative)
Yusef Salaam (Affirmative)
Rafael Salamanca, Jr. (Affirmative)
Pierina Ana Sanchez (Affirmative)
Lynn C. Schulman (Affirmative)
Althea V. Stevens (Affirmative)
Sandra Ung (Affirmative)
Inna Vernikov (Affirmative)
Nantasha M. Williams (Affirmative)
Julie Won (Affirmative)
Susan Zhuang (Affirmative)