Kamillah Hanks

Jan 2022 - Dec 2025
District 49 (Staten Island)


Committee on Civil Service and Labor
Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations
Committee on Education
Committee on Finance
Committee on Land Use
Staten Island Delegation of the New York City Council
Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings and Dispositions (chair)
Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

Legislation (2024-2025 Session)

Council member Kamillah Hanks has introduced 11 bills in the current legislative session.

10 bills are in Committee , 1 bills are Laid Over in Committee

intro.nyc/0040-2024 Increasing transparency and accountability in the real property tax assessment process.
with 7 sponsors
intro.nyc/0041-2024 Limitation on parking of mobile homes and trailers on residential streets.
with 10 sponsors
intro.nyc/0871-2024 Extending reasonable workplace accommodations to caregivers.
with 15 sponsors
intro.nyc/0872-2024 Creating an interagency task force on squatting.
with 15 sponsors
intro.nyc/0873-2024 Requiring the New York City Police Department to report on arrests of individuals under eighteen years of age.
with 14 sponsors
intro.nyc/0874-2024 Establishing a pilot abatement program for unsafe operators of pedal-assist bicycles.
with 6 sponsors
intro.nyc/0875-2024 Requiring the installation of pedestrian lighting on step streets
with 18 sponsors
intro.nyc/0964-2024 Creation of a disaster assistance center.
with 13 sponsors
intro.nyc/0985-2024 Prohibiting the sale of electronic cigarettes that resemble school supplies.
with 11 sponsors
intro.nyc/1051-2024 Identification of formerly enslaved African American burial sites.
with 21 sponsors
intro.nyc/1106-2024 Annual study to identify non-operational schools and the subsequent removal of speed cameras from eliminated school speed zones.
with 2 sponsors

Sponsored Legislation

Council member Kamillah Hanks has sponsored 156 bills originally introduced by other Council members in the current legislative session.

intro.nyc/0005-2024 Translating the citizen’s air complaint program portal into the designated citywide languages.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0025-2024 Enacted Provision of senior citizen rent increase exemption application forms pre-populated with applicable data to eligible persons living in city-supervised Mitchell-Lama housing.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0029-2024 Requiring a training program for first responders and an awareness campaign regarding domestic violence-related traumatic brain injuries
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0039-2024 Enacted Establishing a program to assist with door and window repair and security for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/0045-2024 Enacted Requiring the NYC department of education to report actual class sizes and expand reports on the number of students in special programs in New York city public schools.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0052-2024 Street cleanliness grading system.
Introduced by Francisco P. Moya
intro.nyc/0060-2024 Prohibiting the operation of electric scooters and bicycles with electric assist in parks.
Introduced by Vickie Paladino
intro.nyc/0081-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring an audit and report on foster care placement notices.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0098-2024 Requiring the department of correction and correctional health services to establish a medical clinic to treat persons transported to a court facility.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0099-2024 Creation of curbside overnight truck parking sections in Industrial Business Zones.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0100-2024 Enacted Suspension of alternate side parking regulations on Losar.
Introduced by Julie Won
intro.nyc/0103-2024 Enacted Notification of the removal of parking spaces.
Introduced by Joann Ariola
intro.nyc/0104-2024 Enacted Requiring the DOT to consult with the FDNY prior to approving open street applications, bicycle lane projects, and major transportation projects.
Introduced by Joann Ariola
intro.nyc/0107-2024 Air quality monitoring at designated “heavy use” thoroughfares.
Introduced by Alexa Avilés
intro.nyc/0126-2024 Enacted Requiring provision of body armor to fire department employees within the bureau of emergency medical services providing emergency medical services.
Introduced by Joseph C. Borelli
intro.nyc/0127-2024 Enacted Providing de-escalation and self-defense training to fire department employees within the bureau of emergency medical services providing emergency medical services.
Introduced by Joseph C. Borelli
intro.nyc/0138-2024 Enacted Public service announcements in American sign language for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing on advertising structures.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/0147-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to conduct a community needs assessment to identify needs and gaps in services for people experiencing long COVID.
Introduced by Tiffany Cabán
intro.nyc/0153-2024 A feasibility study on housing adaptation and mobility, voluntary residential buyouts, and related support services for residents of high-risk flood zones.
Introduced by Tiffany Cabán
intro.nyc/0159-2024 Recycled paper facilities.
Introduced by David M. Carr
intro.nyc/0167-2024 Requiring the establishment of a municipal human milk bank.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0179-2024 Police department tow pound capacity.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz
intro.nyc/0180-2024 Establishing a program to provide financial assistance to small retail businesses for the purchase of security system technology.
Introduced by Oswald Feliz
intro.nyc/0229-2024 Shelter referrals and assessments for temporary housing assistance.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/0254-2024 The establishment of a process to divert young people to community-based organizations in lieu of arrest.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/0265-2024 Enacted Improving benefits enrollment processes for city employees.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0267-2024 Making certain bathrooms in city facilities available for public use.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0272-2024 Capital plan and timeline for installing public bathrooms.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0275-2024 Length of the season and operating hours for city beaches and pools.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0291-2024 Increasing civil penalties for idling infractions by trucks and buses.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0300-2024 Establishing an office of small business digitalization and technical amendments in relation thereto.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0301-2024 Installation of solar-powered crosswalks.
Introduced by Julie Menin
intro.nyc/0351-2024 Requiring the department of sanitation to develop a plan for ensuring proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0353-2024 Enacted Installation of solar photovoltaic systems on city-owned property.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0360-2024 Enacted Payment of fees imposed in relation to the rental of residential real property.
Introduced by Chi A. Ossé
intro.nyc/0382-2024 Requiring an after hours variance for the removal of construction debris.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0397-2024 Amending the nuisance abatement law regarding the sale or delivery of cannabis.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/0404-2024 Requiring reporting on crime statistics in shelters.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0407-2024 Sales of cooperative apartments.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0415-2024 Requiring the registration of vacant commercial and residential properties.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0420-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Establishing a program for child visitors to department of correction facilities.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0423-2024 Procedures following the death of an individual in custody of the department of correction and a report on compassionate release.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0424-2024 Flood evacuation plans for tenants.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0429-2024 Periodic inspections of gas piping systems, ordinary plumbing work, reestablishing the plumbing and fire suppression piping contractor license board, piping systems, emergency work, fire suppression piping work, and seizure.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0432-2024 Enacted Distributing information about afterschool programs.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0444-2024 Provision of mental health services for children visiting incarcerated individuals.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0446-2024 Waiving parks permit fees for schools and child day care centers and providing an online system for school permit applications.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0447-2024 Reporting on crossing guard deployment.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0448-2024 An advisory board on crossing guard deployment.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0467-2024 Inspections of sprinkler system and standpipe system fire department connections.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0468-2024 Enacted Department of transportation posting information on traffic-control device and speed reducer requests on its website.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0469-2024 Requiring a study and report on in-person altercations among youth and their associated activity on online platforms.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0471-2024 Enacted Establishing a New York city freedom trail task force.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0472-2024 Requiring the borough presidents to provide equal employment opportunity trainings to community board members.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0473-2024 Offering community service in lieu of civil penalties for certain littering violations.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0498-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Requiring an application for community gardens to request collection of organic waste by the department of sanitation.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0500-2024 Development and distribution of materials on the risks of keeping a gun in the home.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0514-2024 Interest to be paid on late contract payments to non-profit contractors.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/0532-2024 Enacted Reimbursing small nonpublic schools for the cost of security guard services.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/0539-2024 Prohibition on sharing location data with third parties.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/0552-2024 Enacted Requiring street resurfacing coordination.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/0557-2024 Enacted Adding a 311 complaint category for unlicensed cannabis retailers.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0565-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Providing survivors of domestic violence with guidance on making voter registration records confidential and voting by special ballot.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0570-2024 Creating a land bank.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0571-2024 Establishment of a Wards Island affordable housing task force.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/0584-2024 Enacted Providing an estimated wait time to 311 call center customers.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0585-2024 A teacher retention reporting requirement and task force.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0587-2024 Enacted Requiring the 311 customer service center to conduct customer satisfaction surveys after each 311 request for service or complaint is closed and to publish 311 request and survey data each month.
Introduced by Eric Dinowitz
intro.nyc/0606-2024 Requiring that every bicycle with electric assist, electric scooter and other legal motorized vehicle be licensed and registered.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0615-2024 Maximum working hours for home care aides.
Introduced by Christopher Marte
intro.nyc/0638-2024 Requiring that NYPD vehicles be equipped with bulletproof glass.
Introduced by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
intro.nyc/0641-2024 Nutrition standards and beverage options for children’s meals served in food service establishments.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0644-2024 Structurally unsound tree privately-owned trees.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0646-2024 Enacted Reporting on the implementation of next generation 911.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0648-2024 Requiring the disclosure of school admissions policies and procedures.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0650-2024 The cleaning and maintenance of city property.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0651-2024 Enacted Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to create and distribute materials identifying mental health resources available to individuals who have experienced pregnancy loss.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0657-2024 Creation of a small business disaster recovery and resiliency advisory board.
Introduced by Joann Ariola
intro.nyc/0686-2024 Supporting veteran vendors.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0687-2024 Waiving permit fees for mobile food unit commissaries that reserve space for veteran vendors.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0688-2024 Cure periods for certain violations by veterans service organizations
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0691-2024 Annual reporting on racial and gender disparities in STEM education for high school students
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0697-2024 Enacted Requiring the department of sanitation to conduct waste characterization studies.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0698-2024 Clarifying the definition of organic waste drop off site
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0729-2024 Establishing mental health services for two afterschool programs administered by the department of youth and community development.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0735-2024 Enacted Requiring the DOC to report on sexual assault and sexual harassment of correctional staff and providing staff access to mental health treatment resources.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0736-2024 Enacted Establish a rat contraceptive pilot program.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0740-2024 Establishing a real property tax exemption for Cold War veterans.
Introduced by David M. Carr
intro.nyc/0762-2024 Establishing exemptions for third-party food delivery services from the limits on fees charged by such services on food service establishments.
Introduced by Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
intro.nyc/0772-2024 Building emissions calculations, adjustments and penalties.
Introduced by Linda Lee
intro.nyc/0780-2024 Aligning the requirements of the Earned Safe and Sick Time Act and the Temporary Schedule Change Act
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0781-2024 Organic waste recycling by city agencies.
Introduced by Sandy Nurse
intro.nyc/0792-2024 Enacted Requiring the DOC to use an electronic case management system to track investigations of sexual abuse.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0794-2024 Mayor's Desk for Signature Composition of the youth board.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0795-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to conduct hearing screenings for school-aged children throughout the city and develop an outreach campaign.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0799-2024 Panic buttons for small business operators.
Introduced by Althea V. Stevens
intro.nyc/0800-2024 Tree maintenance prioritization
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0804-2024 Establishing a child care opioid antagonist program
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/0807-2024 Creating a pilot program to provide shelter locations during flash flooding events
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/0808-2024 Information required in job listings.
Introduced by Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
intro.nyc/0818-2024 Prohibiting triple tours of duty for department of correction custodial officers
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0819-2024 Permitting the use of segregated housing as a disciplinary sanction for certain incarcerated individuals in city jails.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0824-2024 Create a commission to examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/0862-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to staff each police precinct with a licensed social worker.
Introduced by Erik D. Bottcher
intro.nyc/0888-2024 Enacted Requiring unsolicited offers to purchase certain residential properties to include disclosures of market value.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/0901-2024 Enacted Providing certain homeownership information to homeowners and their heirs.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0902-2024 Giving qualified entities a first opportunity to purchase and an opportunity to submit an offer to purchase certain residential buildings when offered for sale.
Introduced by Carlina Rivera
intro.nyc/0904-2024 Enacted Establishing a proactive inspection program for buildings.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/0907-2024 Reporting on locations in which persons are squatting.
Introduced by Susan Zhuang
intro.nyc/0910-2024 Establishment of community hiring and compensation standards for city assisted housing development projects.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/0925-2024 Requiring the inspection of steam radiators in multiple dwellings.
Introduced by Farah N. Louis
intro.nyc/0955-2024 Requiring annual reports on afterschool programs
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/0959-2024 Providing rental assistance to homeless veterans.
Introduced by Joann Ariola
intro.nyc/0968-2024 Enacted Naming of 100 thoroughfares and public places.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0978-2024 Requiring the 311 customer service center to provide relevant resources in response to tree pruning-related requests
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/0982-2024 Compliance with equal pay laws.
Introduced by Tiffany Cabán
intro.nyc/0984-2024 Study on pay and employment equity for private employees.
Introduced by Amanda Farías
intro.nyc/0986-2024 Enacted Pilot program to involve mental health professional candidates in student wellness clubs in public middle and high schools.
Introduced by Rita C. Joseph
intro.nyc/0988-2024 Interactive map for the posting of information regarding swimming pools under the jurisdiction of the department of parks and recreation.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/0989-2024 Enacted Student wellness club toolkits.
Introduced by Linda Lee
intro.nyc/0994-2024 Requiring that tenant-occupied dwellings be provided with cooled and dehumidified air.
Introduced by Lincoln Restler
intro.nyc/0998-2024 Cooling centers.
Introduced by Keith Powers
intro.nyc/1016-2024 Consumer warnings regarding rifles, shotguns, and firearms.
Introduced by Erik D. Bottcher
intro.nyc/1020-2024 Replacement of the individual responsible for implementing certain duties of the commissioner of investigation relating to the police department and reporting on investigations relating to the police department.
Introduced by Gale A. Brewer
intro.nyc/1029-2024 Providing local community boards and elected officials with advance notice of planned street closures.
Introduced by Crystal Hudson
intro.nyc/1041-2024 Outreach campaign to inform parents about their rights in relation to child care programs.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1042-2024 Reporting on training for child care inspectors.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1043-2024 Requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to create and implement a public awareness strategy to offer overdose prevention and reversal training to public health sanitarians of the department and to teaching staff of child care programs.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1046-2024 Establishing a pilot program to provide oral appliances to individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/1047-2024 Establishing a sleep apnea screening pilot program and public education and outreach campaign.
Introduced by Shaun Abreu
intro.nyc/1063-2024 Third party transfer program, and to repeal sections 11-425, 11-426, and 11-427 of such code, relating to agreements for payment of delinquent taxes and charges in installments.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1064-2024 Requiring transparency concerning promotional opportunities.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1066-2024 Creation of a task force to review the impacts of artificial intelligence on civil service and civil service employees.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1069-2024 Reducing the maximum time commercial vehicles may park
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1076-2024 Requiring the inclusion of businesses owned by persons of Middle Eastern and North African descent in future disparity studies.
Introduced by Shahana K. Hanif
intro.nyc/1086-2024 Notifying interested parties of the recording of certain real estate instruments.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1087-2024 Study on a program to make bridge loans available to awardees of capital funding from the city.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1103-2024 Enacted Community outreach regarding the availability of mental health resources in response to violent and traumatic incidents.
Introduced by Diana I. Ayala
intro.nyc/1110-2024 Information on safe passage routes for students in New York city public schools, and to repeal section two of such local law upon the expiration thereof.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1128-2024 Enacted Construction of ancillary dwelling units.
Introduced by Pierina Ana Sanchez
intro.nyc/1129-2024 Complaints to 311 about overhead wires.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1136-2024 Suspension of alternate side of the street parking rules near street work that reduces the number of available parking spaces.
Introduced by Inna Vernikov
intro.nyc/1137-2024 Budgets of the equal employment practices commission and the commission on civil and human rights.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1148-2024 Requiring the department of social services to provide a receipt for applications for benefits or services.
Introduced by Tiffany Cabán
intro.nyc/1153-2024 Enacted Naming of 109 thoroughfares and public places.
Introduced by Shekar Krishnan
intro.nyc/1156-2024 Establishing a prevailing wage requirement for covered workers in financially assisted facilities.
Introduced by Kevin C. Riley
intro.nyc/1160-2025 Enacted Installing pavement markings.
Introduced by Justin L. Brannan
intro.nyc/1166-2025 Requiring notification of community boards and elected officials before renewing an emergency shelter contract.
Introduced by David M. Carr
intro.nyc/1170-2025 Establishing ferry service to LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy International airports.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/1171-2025 Requiring a study and recommendations on the feasibility of implementing a pilot program to provide reconsolidation of traumatic memories therapy for veterans.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/1172-2025 Pilot program to establish a pet food pantry.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/1173-2025 Requiring bicyclists to wear protective headgear.
Introduced by Robert F. Holden
intro.nyc/1193-2025 Requiring home improvement contractors to provide information on required permits to owners and requiring public outreach and education on the watch list of contractors performing work without a permit.
Introduced by Yusef Salaam
intro.nyc/1196-2025 Prohibiting the unauthorized depiction of public officials by artificial intelligence.
Introduced by Nantasha M. Williams
intro.nyc/1207-2025 Allowing for time spent in an apprenticeship to count towards the supervised practical experience time requirement for the granting of high-pressure boiler operating engineer licenses.
Introduced by Carmen N. De La Rosa
intro.nyc/1217-2025 Building inspections and reporting following complaints related to rats and other pests
Introduced by Susan Zhuang