This bill would require the New York City Department of Education (“DOE”) to produce an annual report and to submit that report to the mayor, and the speaker of the council. The reporting mandate would be for DOE to report on all outreach by participating city schools to parents and guardians of eligible students about the New York City Scholarship program (“program”). Such report would be mandated to include the following information: (1) identify and list each participating city school for the year in question; (2) disaggregated by participating city school, identify, list and describe: the steps taken by each school to notify parents and guardians of eligible students about the program; the resources, tools, or other engagement methods, disaggregated by program benefit, used by the school to inform parents or guardians how to obtain each type of program benefit; (3) an assessment on outreach DOE considered most effective at improving parent and guardian engagement with the program for that year; (4) a description of the steps DOE will take in the next year to improve parent and guardian engagement and use of the program. As this local law would contain reporting requirements with a sunset clause, it is deemed repealed after such reporting requirements are completed and therefore an unconsolidated local law.