NYC Council Introduction 365 2024-2025 Legislative Session
Designation and usage of public libraries as polling places.
Status: Committee Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation
Sponsored by Keith Powers
Introduced: February 28, 2024

This bill would require the New York City Board of Elections (“BOE”) to establish all eligible public libraries within the New York Public Library system, Brooklyn Public Library system, and Queens Public Library system as polling places for general elections, both on Election Day and during the early voting period preceding a general election. Eligibility would be determined by current legal requirements as set forth in state election law, as well as through a consultation by the BOE with the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, or Queens Public Library as to the permissibility of using each public library within each respective system. The proposed legislation would also require the BOE to issue a report to the Council on the use of public libraries as polling places following each general election.