NYC Council Introduction 479 2024-2025 Legislative Session
Establishment of standards and procedures to determine the existence of conflicts of interest and other misconduct concerning city contracts.
Status: Committee Committee on Oversight and Investigations
Sponsored by Julie Won
Introduced: February 28, 2024

This bill would apply to a contractor and a City agency or the Council that are parties to a City contract valued in excess of $100,000. It would require the City Chief Procurement Officer (CCPO) to establish standards and procedures for a contractor to use to determine the existence of a conflict of interest and certain misconduct concerning the contract on the part of its officers or employees and those of its subcontractors. The Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS) would have to require the agency or Council as party to a contract to include such standards and procedures in the contract. The contractor would be required to submit a certification of compliance with such standards and procedures, as well as that no conflict of interest or misconduct exists, to MOCS. Finally, the bill would require the CCPO to report on certifications submitted by contractors.